Progress Essays: A Compilation by Ben Kuhn
Ben Kuhn shares various essays on technology and software, addressing key topics like debugging, tech adoption, and programming misconceptions.
The posts are available here.
Choose Boring Technology
Dan McKinley emphasizes the importance of selecting reliable, well-understood technologies over novel but unproven ones to minimize operational and cognitive overhead.
The Wrong Abstraction
Sandi Metz discusses the pitfalls of using incorrect abstractions in code, advocating for careful reassessment and potential duplication to improve clarity and maintainability.
Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names
Kalzumeus Software highlights common misconceptions about handling names in software systems, showcasing the diversity and complexity of real-world naming conventions.
Computers Can Be Understood
Nelhage discusses the systematic nature of computer systems and the value of developing comprehensive mental models to facilitate debugging and system comprehension.
The Hiring Post
Quarrelsome critiques the traditional tech interview process, advocating for more supportive and preparatory approaches to improve candidate experience and hiring outcomes.
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